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Healthcare team

Community nurses

The district nursing team provides skilled nursing care and support to people at home and in other community settings. The team works with GPs, community and adult care services, private care agencies and many other health care professionals to enable housebound people achieve maximum independence.

Once your health is improved or you are no longer housebound, you will be asked to make an appointment with one of the practice nurses if you need to continue nursing treatments. For those patients who are seriously ill and choose to remain at home, the service also offers end of life care.

The district nurse service is available from Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm. District nurses can be contacted on 03004 218 782.

If you should require a district nurse urgently outside surgery hours, please phone 03004 4210 555.

Health visitors

The health visitors are specially trained nurses who can advise on child development and health care for families, babies and small children. They hold regular clinics at both Northleach and Bourton.

Please contact the surgery to make an appointment. They can be contacted on 03004 216 952.

School nurse

The school nurses can give help with vision screening, selective hearing tests and medicals with the school doctor. They also promote health education in schools covering topics such as growing up, how the body works, personal development and family planning.

They are involved with secondary schools vaccination programmes and are available for children, parents and teachers to discuss problems.

They can be contacted on 03004 216 944 or leave a message.

Medical students

We are an approved practice for medical students to gain experience in general practice.

If your doctor has a student with them the receptionist and doctor will inform you. You will be given the opportunity to see the doctor alone if you prefer.

Page published: 5 May 2023
Last updated: 22 July 2024