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Surgery clinics

We offer a range of clinics and services at the surgery. There are some tasks you can do, such as health reviews, using our online forms.

Our practice provides the following services: ​

Antenatal and postnatal care clinics

Women who become pregnant often visit their GP at around six weeks. It may be necessary to confirm the pregnancy with a laboratory test. Women will then be invited to see the midwife when they are eight weeks pregnant. The midwife will perform the booking investigations, describe the routine procedures and discuss options for delivery.

The midwife holds two clinics each week, one at Bourton and one at Northleach. Women are welcome to see them at either surgery. Other midwives in the local team will provide cover during any absence.

The community midwife will then continue to provide care to the patient throughout her pregnancy, referring to the GP where necessary. During a normal pregnancy women are seen at least every three months, but more often towards the end of the pregnancy or if there are problems.

Women can choose to have a home delivery or to deliver in hospital, usually Cheltenham General.

The midwife will visit the mother at home for up to 10 days following the birth of the baby. Thereafter the health visitor is the first point of contact for advice on breastfeeding, childcare and development.

Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) clinics

We have nurses who specialise in asthma and respiratory care. If you suffer from asthma or a chronic breathing problem, you will be invited to see a nurse on a regular basis, where she may review your peak flow monitoring, inhaler technique and discuss your medication.

Baby clinics

The baby clinics are run by doctors, practice nurses. At these clinics we undertake child developmental checks and immunisations. There is also an opportunity to discuss other problems e.g. sleeping, feeding and child health worries, with a doctor or health visitor.

The childhood vaccinations are given according to the current recommended guidelines at two, three and four months to protect small babies from whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, polio, hib, meningitis C and pneumonia. A doctor is available to check that your child is fit to have the appropriate immunisation. Please visit the page on NHS vaccinations and when to have them for more information.

Cervical screening

All women aged between 25 and 64 are invited for a cervical smear every three to five years. This test is designed to detect changes in the cervix which appear before cancer develops. There are many early stages of cervical cancer which can be cured by simple treatment if picked up by this test.

This check is carried out by the nurse as part of the national screening programme.

Coronary heart disease clinics

We invite patients who have heart disease, angina or who have had a stroke or transient ischaemic attack to have an annual review of their condition with one of the nurses.

Diabetes clinics

Nurses who specialise in Diabetes will invite diabetic patients to attend the surgery every six or 12 months for a review of their diabetes. This review includes blood sugar measurement, urine testing, advice on diet, eye examinations, foot care and blood pressure measurement.

Annual eye screening for diabetics is also available at the surgeries.

Contraception and sexual health

We provide a full family planning service. All doctors can offer advice about this. Dr Caroline Bennett fits coils.

We provide free emergency contraception help and advice. Please ask to see either a doctor or practice nurse as soon as possible after failed or forgotten contraception. Emergency contraception is also available from family panning clinics and community pharmacies.

We also provide screening for some sexually transmitted infections. Please make an appointment with a practice nurse.

Health visitors service

The health visitors hold drop in clinics on the following days and locations:

Bourton on the Water Community Hub, Moore Road, Bourton on the Water

  • Every Thursday, 2pm to 3pm

Springboard Children’s Centre, Mill End, Northleach

  • 2nd Wednesday in the month, 2pm to 3:30pm

Community Centre, Upper Rissington

  • 1st Thursday in the month, 10am to 11am (Term time only).

Hearing aid clinics

A hearing aid clinic is held at the Northleach surgery every two months. You can get your hearing aid serviced in this clinic. They also can provide advice and guidance.

You can make an appointment by contacting the Northleach surgery.

Mental health services

Please make an appointment with a doctor if you have any worries about your mental health.

A mental health nurse also holds a clinic at each surgery every other week. Appointments are available on referral from a GP.

Minor surgery service

Some of our GPs are also able to remove benign cysts and lumps and perform joint injections. Please see a GP if you think you may require minor surgery.

NHS health checks

Patients aged between 40-74 with no pre-existing cardio vascular conditions may be invited for a 5 yearly check.

Patients over 75 years

If you are aged 75 years or over you can be seen annually either by your doctor, the practice nurse, district nurse or health visitor. This can be arranged at the surgery or, if that is not possible, a home visit will be arranged.

Smoking cessation service

Stopping smoking is the single most effective way for a smoker to improve their health. We offer a comprehensive service to support our patients who wish to quit. All of our nurses have specialist training in smoking cessation and we are able to prescribe pharmaceutical aids for patients who sign up for our practice based service. Please book an appointment at reception.

Travel vaccinations and advice

If you are travelling please contact the surgery to arrange an appointment with our Travel Health Nurse Specialist at your earliest convenience. We offer a travel risk assessment form, and you can find more information in our travel page.

We are able to offer a comprehensive travel health service, although we are not currently a Yellow Fever vaccination centre.

Other vaccines are available, please see our vaccinations page for more information.


All adults should ensure that they have adequate cover against tetanus and polio. If in doubt, please check with the nurse.

An influenza vaccination is particularly recommended for patients aged 65 or over and younger patients with heart, lung, kidney or liver disease, diabetes and residents of nursing and rest homes, and patients who are carers of the elderly or disabled. These patients should also have a one off vaccination against pneumococcal Infection.

Please contact the reception staff in September for details of the vaccination dates and to make an appointment.

Page published: 5 May 2023
Last updated: 23 July 2024