Travel Vaccinations, medication, travel advice and more...

Travel Vaccinations

Please visit out Travel Vaccinations page for more information on Vaccinations we can provide at the practice, and prices, and what countries may require which vaccines.

Travel Assessment

If you are travelling please contact the surgery to arrange an appointment with our Travel Health Nurse Specialist at your earliest convenience. We are able to offer a comprehensive Travel Health Service, although we are not currently a Yellow Fever Vaccination Centre.

All other vaccines are available.

Further Travel Information

The following websites will give you additional travel advice

  • Travel Health for information of vaccinations available on NHS.
  • MASTA for private vaccination clinics.
  • for specific country travel advice.
  • EHIC to apply for your free European Health Insurance Card.
  • NaTHNaC for comprising the travel health resources.
  • for specific country travel advice
  • EHIC/GHIC applying for healthcare cover abroad